How Waiting For Sex is Worth the Wait!!

Thought this was a great article for all the single ladies that are looking for a serious mate in life which is on from Lyn Paul a Senior Dating Coach at “The Dating Angel” a dating and relationship coaching service for women. Enjoy!


Have times changed for the better when it comes to sex?

Sex and When to Have ItThere is a mixed idea that if you don’t have sex with a guy by date 3 he won’t want to see you anymore, or if you don’t find out what he is like in bed, you could be wasting your time.

When a guy pushes you to have sex too soon or before you are ready, this can also include trying to manipulate you into thinking there is something wrong with you if you want to wait, it can be an indication of how he feels about you.

When Guys Meet Girls They Often Put Them Into One of Two Categories:

Category 1. A girl they want to bring home to the family/girl they want to marry.

Category 2. A girl for a casual relationship for now/one night stand

If you start in category 2 it is very, very hard to ever go to category 1. On the other hand it is very easy to go from category 1 to category 2.

Let me explain: When a guy meets you and thinks you could be someone he could marry, he subconsciously tests you to see what kind of wife you would make (it has nothing to do with how you cook!).

He wants that rare gem of a girl (you!) he has to work for/chase to get her to be ‘his’ girl. When you make it too easy for him, you can quickly go from a 1 (a girl he is very serious about) to 2 (a girl he is not very serious about).

If you think he is only prepared to wait 3 dates and then if he doesn’t sleep with you he will disappear. Guess what, even if you did sleep with him, he would probably disappear anyway because you quickly become a 2.

If a guy sees you as his dream girl he is willing to wait, he doesn’t want to do anything to ‘scare you away’.

The benefit of waiting is that you have a chance to get to know one another, to take the time to feel comfortable with one another. How can you really judge how great the sex is going to be if you don’t feel comfortable with the person.

When you wait and take your time to slowly get to know him, he will value you more.Men will always value what they have to wait for and work for. When you wait you will show him you are not desperate to have a man and there is more to you than just sex.

The first initial stages of courting are very special and a great time to see who the person really is without being clouded by the lust.

How long to wait?

It is different for everyone, some guidelines are:

  • When he has said he loves you
  • When you feel 100% sure he will want to still contact you
  • When he asked you to be exclusive
  • When you have met his friends and family
  • When you have been dating him at least 6 weeks

Be the girl every guy wants to put in category 1, then you decide which man is right for you!

This information is about protecting yourself from being hurt and helping find your Mr Right to marry.

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