Do What Makes You Happy: The Agreement!

A couple of years ago I met a wonderful individual. That person has always been a true objective friend as I battled through my decision of getting a divorce, the process and aftermath. He has been supportive of my search for independence as a single mother and happily divorcee. He always encourages me to “Do What Makes Me Happy”


I always thought of this guy as the Knight in Shining Armor that came in my life at the right moment. He has always been a perfect gentleman towards me. He also has been just a guy, and I have seen through the lenses of his life, that guys love women, sports and bonding time with their boys.  Not necessarily in that order. Guys are not that dissimilar but what separates the men from the dogs, are how their genuinely towards you.  He provided me hope that there are decent men in this world that still exist. While we always had a platonic friendship, I also thought maybe when both of our ducks were in order we could attempt at a relationship. Matter-of-fact there was an agreement “a handshake”. I always saw myself eventually married again to my soul mate and have one or two more kids and he at the time did not have any children and had hopes of having an offspring one day. The agreement was, that in two or so years where both of us did not have anyone in our lives, we would possibly come together and try at a relationship and possibly pro-create

As time gone by, we both have met many great people, tried at dating others and have embraced life’s gifts and curveballs. Through it all we have maintained a solid friendship. Fast forward to two years, we both are not interlocked in a significant relationship, but are still exploring life. Not have grown apart but have a zest for a quality of life that has put the desire of making the reality of our agreement not a priority in life.

We are both “happily” in our single status. A few wrenches have been thrown to deviate the course in both of our lives. While there was an agreement, it wasn’t binding. No matter what our destinies are in life, it is great to know we both have each other blessings. Whether it is to marry and pro-create with someone else, become entrenched in a rewarding career, or travel the world. We have an unconditional friendship that is paramount.

Sometimes you deviate from your two-year or five-year life plan. It is okay to alter your course, life is filled with surprises. Your internal growth as a person changes your wants and needs in life. As long as you are true to yourself and honest to those that count, that’s all that matters. Those that were down for you from day one, will always be in your corner.. Maybe at a different capacity than you originally thought, but still remain your true confidant. The mantra in life is: Do What Makes You Happy!


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